Monday 30 May 2011

Day 15 - Something That Means A Lot To You.

Thanks for coming, it means so much that you care enough about me to come visit and see what I'm doing! 

Friday 27 May 2011

Day 14 - Something Your Afraid Of.

This is very fitting as it has been thunder and lighting for two days and It scares the crap out of me! 

Tuesday 17 May 2011

My heart breaks for you.

You scare me to be perfectly honest, every time I see you I'm scared but I love you. Whenever I see you I think this isn't what you wanted when you grew up, this wasn't the dream as you played with you dolls or played dress up, you never wanted to be a junkie whore, My heart breaks for you.

You scare me the way you are so out of it, you have no idea what I’m doing or why I am here giving you tea, you cant even hear what I’m saying. You scare me the way your eyes slowly roll back into your head like your trying to see behind you but cant turn your head. The way your knees bend like you want to sit down. My heart breaks for you.

I see you there during the day and I know you are there throughout the night, unable to stop working because you need the next fix. I see you begging but no one will give you money because you're a junkie, I see you working on the street because you're a junkie, where is the way out? I watch you slowly walk away, a guy not far behind, I see you in your state, arranging a fee and take him to the next corner, my heart breaks for you.

I don't know what to say to you, I don't even know where to start, what can I say that you will remember when you come round. I want to do more for you because my heart breaks for you.

People look at you like you're scum because of this life you are living, people look at me with pride because I take the scum tea. You are a tweaker, I’m a missionary, neither of us are doing what we thought we would when we were children - back before you were broken and I was healed but I know you never grew up wanting to be a junkie whore and now my heart breaks for you.  

Monday 16 May 2011

Day 11 - The Person You Would Like To Trade Places With For The Day!

I would love to know what goes on inside his head! Plus I would like to be kick in the nuts just to see how much it hurts, eat and eat and eat and not get fat, know how it feel to be really smart and what it feels like when I'm horrible. 

Sunday 15 May 2011

Saturday 14 May 2011

Day 9 – The Person You Have Done the Craziest Things With.

I can't even begin to explain (and shouldn't) half the stuff we have done together, what fun the last 8 years have been because of you. Missing you terribly Gemma-Claire.  

Friday 13 May 2011

Day 8 – A Picture Of The Person Who Has Got You Though The Most.

The picture really says it all, that's the reason you were all my bridesmaids (and ushers) and why this photo is my favorite and goes everywhere with us. Love you guys thanks for all you have done and still do.

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 7 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

There is nothing I like better after a hard day than to watch an episode or two of Sex and the city a guarantee way of putting a smile on my face. 

Sunday 8 May 2011

Day 6 – A Picture From Your Window/Roof

This picture was taken on the roof of are apartment, we live in a great area in Athens called Thissio although its noisy because of all the cafĂ© and bars its also really beautiful and we love it.  

Friday 6 May 2011

Day 5 - A Picture That Can Always Make You Smile.

Lots of great stuff has happened in my life so many photo I look back on and smile at, the photo below has extra significance because laughter and fun was exactly what we had been praying for before we left and it was exactly what we got. Not only does the photo remind me of a great trip but Its also a reminder that God loves to make us happy. 
Day 5 – A picture that can always make you smile.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Day 4 - My Night

The picture below is of the team who go out on a Thursday night outreach. Although it sounds very strange we have a really fun time lots and laughter which is needed and given by God along with getting along side beautiful girls who have come to Greece for a job that is not the one they are doing. The photo below was taking this evening about 12.07am (check the clock in the picture) before we went out on outreach this is the beginning of my Thursday night.


Wednesday 4 May 2011

Day 3 - Something you hate.

The area we work in has a major drug problem. Just this morning (10.30am) we walked down a busy main street to the office and saw two guys cooking their stash. We carried on and walk passed groups of people either out of it, tweaking for it, or in the process of buying it. The result is a dirty bloody needle littering the pavements, people passed out on the streets, women and men selling themselves to fund the habit and a whole nation unclear how to handle it.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Athens Adventure: Day 2 - My day

Athens Adventure: Day 2 - My day: "Today is May day and we celebrated today with a picnic on the hill. I love spending time with friends on Sunday especially when food is invo..."

Day 2 - My day

Today is May day and we celebrated today with a picnic on the hill. I love spending time with friends on Sunday especially when food is involved, other days don't look this good but today was a good day and so is used for photo 2 of the challenge. My day!